Many people hate the idea of moving because it means you’ll have to sacrifice weekends, holidays, or vacation days, or long nights after work, to take care of all these things. Not only do you need to pack up all of your belongings from your old home and get them moved to your new home, but you also have to clean your old house before you finish preparing.

To cut down on time and physical effort, you can hire a moving service to take care of the heavy lifting. But using a moving service doesn’t always seem worth it to people. Here are some pros and cons to using a moving company, or going with the do-it-yourself method of moving. 


Moving never seems to be inexpensive. You have to pay for a new house or apartment, which may include a down-payment and other costs if you are buying, and first and last month’s rent plus a pet deposit if you are renting. You may also have to pay to set up new utility and entertainment services.

If you are already paying a lot of money out of pocket for housing and things, you won’t want to pay for a moving service as well. They can charge per hour, truck space, and the number of people working on your move. All of those charges can add up quickly. If the expense is a big deal to you, you’ll want to put that down as a con for using a moving company. 

Physical Labor

Furniture is heavy. Boxes full of books or kitchen supplies or winter clothes are heavy. Carrying all of these bulky items can be a daunting prospect to even those that work out regularly. And who wants to spend their time moving heavy items around, when they still have to pack, unpack, and organize items during the moving process?

For many people, the physical labor portion of moving by yourself will go under cons when trying to determine if that is a better option than hiring someone to do it for them. 

Care and Concern

The fundamental truth is that the people working for the moving company are not you. They don’t have an attachment to your things the way you do. They are doing their job, and hopefully, it matters to them that they do a good one. But you can’t guarantee that the people who move your furniture and small items will provide the care and concern for your belongings that you would.

Not knowing if all of your items will be moved, packed into the truck, and unloaded as carefully as necessary is a con toward a moving service. You being fully in control of how to move your things so that you can make sure you do everything as carefully as needed is a pro for moving things yourself. 

When you are done considering all of your moving concerns, add up your pros and cons, and see what system seems to work best for you. It’s possible that even with added expense and the possibility of broken items, hiring a moving company is the best idea. Make sure to take the time to figure it out before making your plan, so you don’t have to worry about it while handling the other duties of your move.

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